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Fort Pitt recognises that all students are unique, and the school works to ensure all students reach their full potential. Our pastoral and SEN team work with students, parents and teachers to ensure that students with Special Education Needs have full access to the curriculum and succeed in accordance with the SEND Code of Practice 0 – 25 years, DfE (January 2015).


We link, where necessary, with outside expert agencies to assist in diagnosing specific learning difficulties and in suggesting strategies to support the individual student. Although we have small numbers of  students on the SEN register, each has a personalised Learning and Teaching profile created that outlines the strategies and provision required by all stakeholders in order for the student to progress. We encourage students to be resilient and to take responsibility for their own learning and foster a positive, supportive relationship between home and school to enable every student to achieve their best.


Information advice and guidance is always available through the student pastoral team who work very closely with students who are struggling with academic study or their own personal well-being.


All information related to SEN can be found in the SEN Policy, Procedures and Information Report below.


Should you have any queries or concerns that your child/ren may have a SEND need or wish to discuss the current provision the school can offer, please contact the appropriate member on the pastoral and/ or SEN team as soon as possible in order that the correct investigations and support can be put in place.


Mr A. Scott (SENCO):
The Medway Local Offer provides parents/carers with information about how to access services in their area, what they can expect from those services and the options available to support families who need additional help to care for their child.
Local Offer | Medway Council


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